Monday, April 2, 2007

Easter egg madness!

The housemates maybe cooped up inside the PBB house for this Holy Week, but this doesn’t stop them from preparing themselves; albeit in an odd and certainly unique manner.

After a successful weekly task that boosted their allowance from P6,500 to P10,400, Big Brother decided that the sixth one would be a fun, yet deceivingly meticulous activity; the aptly-titled ‘Egg-specially for Easter’.

Bea received their weekly task for today, hopping carefully while wearing a giant bunny helmet. After the laughter died down, the housemates listened carefully as Bea explained the mechanics. The housemates were to make 500 Easter eggs, and no two should look alike. However, before painting the eggs, the housemates were to retrieve the yolks and whites, prepare it into a leche flan mix, and insert it into the egg again.

The housemates were provided syringes for the task, which they would use to inject the mixture. They were also given bunny costumes like Bea’s, and had to hop around instead of walking while going about their task! The Housemates sheepishly donned their new threads, ad immediately got to work. The boys handled the syringes, while Wendy made small holes in the bottom of the eggs so Bea and the others can siphon the whites and yolks. It was quite a disturbing sight to see men in rabbit costumes injecting yellow stuff into eggs, but hey it's all for Easter anyway!

Will the housemates be able to finish the task before Saturday morning and enjoy a truly fruitful (and bountiful) Easter, or will their failure leave them hopping mad? Hold on to your hats… or rather, bunny heads!

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