After the housemates have recovered from the dreadful blood-letting task, they were all called by Big Brother into the living room. It was then when Kuya officially closed the week-long Room Service Task. However, things did not turn out well for our housemates.
There was complete silence in the living room as Big Brother presented the results of the task. Big Brother began by reiterating the important rules of the task to the housemates. We remember early this week that the housemates only have two minutes after the bell to immediately wear their complete respective apron and toque. Unfortunately, Kuya observed that some of the housemates had a problem following this specific rule. While making the leche flan, Kian and Robert did not wear their aprons. While preparing the Pasta Negra, Kian failed to wear his toque. In the Tinolang Palaka Challenge, Kian, once again, and Jasmin failed to wear their toques. Big Brother expressed his disappointment regarding some of the housemates' violations, and he regretfully reprimanded everyone with a deduction of points.
In terms of efficiency, the housemates were able to pleased Big Brother with their success in finishing all the tasks on time. The housemates were very happy upon hearing Kuya's congratulations. In terms of presentation, Big Brother was also pleased with the creativity that the housemates showed in the serving of their dish.
However, it was in the taste criteria where it became crucial for the housemates. Big Brother asked some of his friends to taste the dishes prepared by the housemates, and there were mixed reviews. "Ano ba yan?! ang tabang," "Parang kare kareng kaldereta," "Okay na sana pero kulang sa alat," were some of the comments which elicited different reactions from the housemates.
Based on the rule violations and the criteria, the housemates failed to deliver a satisfactory performance. As a result, 60% will be deducted from the housemates' budget for week three, as this was agreed upon prior to the start of the Room Service Task. Their regular Php 6,000 weekly budget was reduced to Php 2,400 for the following week.
It was, however, a learning experience for our housemates. Bea expressed her frustration regarding the violations, but no one blamed anyone for the failure. Everyone remained determined to do well in the next task by strengthening teamwork.