The truth was that Robert was only pretending to be sick as instructed by Big Brother. Robert's secret task was to act like he contracted an allergy from being in contact with their dog Buddy. After a while, he must act as if his allergy had evolved into lack of energy and appetite. Robert must convince everyone in the house that he is indeed sick, or else he fails his task.
Robert was already on his way into putting his FAMAS-worthy act as he had gained the sympathy of the others. But things turned more dramatic as this hoax sickness spread, unbeknownst to Robert, through the clever works of Big Brother. Last night, Kuya called Mickey to the confession room. After a few minutes, Wendy was called, followed by GeeAnn.
Then late this afternoon, GeeAnn blurted out itching complaints. She asked for some insect repellant lotion which she applied to her arms and legs where she felt some burning sensations. She also manifested weakness and sleepiness. But before anyone could extend concern for GeeAnn, Wendy began feeling cold and exhausted. Wendy wore a sweater and laid down on the couch to get some rest. Just beside Wendy on the couch was Mickey who was also off to dreamland. The living room suddenly looked like a hospital ward.
On opposite sides of this whole moro-moro epidemic were Bodie and Maricris. Maricris was slowly forming suspicion about the spread of the allergy. She said to Bodie that everything may just be a task from Kuya to paralyze the team from continuously performing the water mill task and eventually succeeding in it. Bodie, however, begged to differ when she told Maricris that he was convinced that by looking at the condition of Robert and the rest, it was obvious that it was more serious than a simple task. 

But caught in the middle of all these best actors and actresses was the real victim in the person of Kian. The Persian dude had told Big Brother that he had been experiencing pain on his legs after winning in the physical Lig-Task Challenge last Saturday. Kian found it difficult to walk, so Kuya gave him a wheelchair and the other housemates advised him to mellow from the house chores.
What plans does Big Brother have regarding Robert's false sickness? Will the housemates still be able to carry on with the water mill task? Can Kian's disability rise above this "sickness" drama?
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