The housemates were to run a watermill, using water from the pool. They were provided with pails, which they will use to manually transfer the water from the pool to the mill. The catch, however, is that the mill must be kept running day and night until the task is done; if it stops for more than 30 seconds, this will automatically amount into failure. And since this means that at least one housemate should be working at all times, they will probably be forced to do some shifting for this grueling task. Big Brother also reminded themto pay close attention to their lapel microphones, lest they get wet.
The housemates decided into three shifts, divided into four, four and five members, respectively; Dionne even volunteered for the night shift. They also decided on betting sixty percent for this weekly task, meaning that a loss will merit them only two and a half thousand pesos for next week’s allowance. This made them strategize carefully, and Mickey organized the groupings to prevent further conflicts, while suggesting ‘spotters’ to help the workers if one has to take a food or bathroom break. He also suggested that the first group should be all guys, so they would get the hang of it.
The housemates know that they cannot fail this time, as the burden of failing weekly tasks keep getting heavier and heavier for them. Will they be able to eat heartily next week with their winnings, or will depleted funds render them scrimping and saving for another seven days?
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