He was recommended not to work on the weekly task, since the strain of this activity can further aggravate his infection. Even then, he prepared some merienda for the others, especially those workingon the task.

He took the initiative and started to work on the palm weaving task. Nel brought the palms inside the house, and after asking Bruce for instructions, he soon got to weaving. He even voiced out his dedication to the task, telling Bruce: "All day, all night!" Soon, Big Brother instructed that he and Bruce prioritize this task over anything.
He also provided some sound advice as well. Maricris, who hasn’t eaten all day, complained of severe stomach pains, restricting her from even standing up. After asking Kian what to do, he recommended a glass of sugar water, explaining that it combats the acidity the stomach produces when one doesn’t eat. Maricris certainly felt better after this, and had a good conversation with her ‘doctor’.
And so despite suffering a major setback physically and emotionally, Kian still continues to become a major player inside the house. His help is truly appreciated and, with Robert out, Kian still steps up and works fervently for the accomplishment of their tasks.
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