Right in the middle of their siesta, the girls were frightened to their bones as a white-dressed creature with white face and long black hair crawled into their room. The girls screamed to the top of their lungs as Sadako slowly came for them. Wendy and GeeAnn jumped off their beds and ran for safety. Dionne apparently took some time to realize that Sadako was just Kian in a dress as the girl screamed for her mom. She was unfortunate to be cornered by Sadako in a room when the light were turned off and the other girls have fled to
room to hide in the bathroom.

On the contrary, Bea and the other guys kept their composure and just fondly watched Sadako crawl across the living room. The boys even helped Kian in the scary task as they led Sadako to the bathroom where the girl were hiding. When Sadako forced himself in, the girls shrieked in unison and tried to break away from the horrifying character.
Kian, as Sadako, was led into the well constructed beside the pool. This was where he will stay
until the time his task is over, only leaving for bathroom and dinner. Sadako was about to position himself in the tiny well when Bea claimed to have noticed a big rat. This frightened Sadako himself which was unbecoming his character. Will Kian successfully pull off this task? What does Big Brother hope for Kian to learn from this? Stick around for more Sadako scare.

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