All the materials like sacks of rice, big mortars and pestles, and several bilao, were delievered in the storage room. Costumes like camisa chino and filipiniana were provided for the housemates to wear while doing the task. An instructional video was also shown to the housemates, especially to those clueless of this native skill, for them to learn the step by step process of the task. To
finally complete the "probinsya" ambiance inside the house, Big Brother played some traditional Filipino music.

The housemates were grouped into three, each group to take turns in "pagbabayo." Bea and Nel showed some familiarity with this provincial house chore. Bea took care of flipping the pounded rice with the bilao, and she seemed to be very good at it. The other girls however, like GeeAnn and Wendy, found the bilao skill quite a challenging one.

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