Clever as ever, Big Brother assigned tasks, which served as preparations and clues to the imminent Big Brother Swap: The Titillating Tinikling, artistic painting of miniature jeepneys, perfecting adobo and the plane crash survivors role-playing task.

Bodie, Mickey, Saicy and Wendy are analyzing this latest ploy of Big Brother in light of the 24 hour rule they’ve been oriented about when they joined PBB Season 2. Bodie explains that this rule maintains that a housemate, after being outside the house for 24 hours, cannot go back inside anymore -- and Bruce is gone for 24 hours already. They were making comparisons about similar departures in the previous editions of PBB to rationalize the Hardcourt Hottie's sudden absence.
Thinking that this is another secret task, Bodie states that maybe, Bruce is just hiding somewhere near the house with the staff. Quite nearer on target though, Mickey told them about how Big Brother works in Germany. A bit more and he could have reached the conclusion that Bruce is off to become a housemate in another country!
In another group of HMs, Gee-ann is observing how weird this week is: no nomination and

Will the housemates correctly guess the destination of Bruce and their fates as well before Tina shows up on Saturday night? Keep yourselves in-the-know by tuning in to Big Brother Season 2, leading to the big night on Saturday Primetime Bida!
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