Big Brother gathered the housemates in the living for the Number Game. They were given a fish bowl filled with questions answerable with numbers. Each housemate was asked to pick a question and answer truthfully, with Kuya trusting each housemate in their answer. Everyone must remember all the answers given to every question, and whoever manages to do so will get to have a "special and delectable" prize from Big Brother. 

Then the Number Game began with GeeAnn being the first one to pick a question. When she was asked how many fights did she have in her life, she answered four. Other questions were about shoe size, girlfriends, and cell phone number. Nel picked the funniest question which asked him of how old was he when he first had sex. The housemates were all curious to hear, then Nel revealed that he was 17 when he lost his virginity.
The housemates changed places and Big Brother began testing their skills. The housemates thought the questions would be just to remember the answers, but when Maricris was asked to add the answers of Saicy and Mickey then subtract from it the answer of Kian, the house went silent. Maricris failed to give an answer, and so other failures followed.
However, others were genius enough to get the answers correctly. Bea was successfull in adding the answers of Maricris and Zeke and multiplying it to the answer of GeeAnn. Nel, Saicy, GeeAnn, Bodie, Wendy, and Zeke all gave the right answers.
As promised, Big Brother rewarded the housemates with the right answers with their favorite dishes. They were first called one by one into the confession room. However, when after their return, Kuya revealed what was agreed in the confession room. The winning housemates agreed to share their food with the losers, but there was a catch.
There housemates were called in the dining table, and the boys were asked to get some stuff from the storage room. Big Brother promised that everyone will get a taste of all the prepared dishes, and went Zeke came back with a blender in his hand and a grin in his face, the housemates knew what was about to happen.
All dishes prepared were mixed using the blender. Zeke was tasked to blend all the food and prepare equal servings for every housemate. At this point, stomachs were already turning upside down as the housemates watched the food being blended.
Then the most dreaded part came as the food was served. The housemates anticipated some throw ups to happen, but after several bites, they all realized that the food was not that bad. Dionne, however, found it difficult to gorge the food. She eventually rushed to the toilet where she "again saw what she just ate."
It was bon appetit for the rest of the housemates. Most of them were just too starved to pay attention on what's on their plates. After their "challenging" meal, they went on to eat the "normal" food that they earlier cooked. Kuya even offered more dishes, but the housemates were already full. The dinner was indeed a success, and Big Brother thanked the housemates for being good sports.
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