In the task, Big Brother noted that he has declared it to be summer inside the PBB house, and that the housemates should imbibe the summer atmosphere by having a pictorial! They were to pick up their swimsuits from the storage room, as well as a digital camera, and proceed to take individual and group pictures of each other in their summer garb. Wendy and Bruce, who both have backgrounds in modeling, would be spearheading the activity.

After they all changed, the housemates began their pictorial. Zeke took the camera, and seemed to have an eye for photography, as he directed the housemates’ shots. Soon the housemates were delivering their best poses as Kian took behind the lens as well. Nel even dropped his puppy garb for a more refreshing summer look! Gee-Ann and Bea, who were at first hesitant to show their summer bodies, eventually posed nonetheless. Soon Big Brother himself took directorial duties and asked them to pose as a group.
So after toiling under the summer sun, they soon enjoyed a great time under it as well. More hot and sizzling pics of these housemates to come!
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