There were not enough bowls and spatulas so the girls were the first to make their own face sculptures. The guys, for the mean time, cleaned up other mess and observed the girls do their sculptures. There were all told to take care of the mask made from their faces, not the mask that they made themselves. They were instructed to make sure that their masks have no cracks or holes where the dissolved plaster might spill. The housemates checked their masks for any holes particularly on the nostrils and eyes part.
Then they began dissolving the plaster of paris in the bowl with water. The powder must be completely dissolved in the water. They mixed the powder in the water with the use of their spatulas, but this time, they were advised to make sure that the mixture would not be as thick as that of what they earlier made for the mask. The mixture must as fluid enough to be applied all over the back side of the mask.
The mixture was then applied all over the masked. The guest artist advised the housemates to cover all the pink part on the back side of the mask with the fluid plaster mixture. Once all the pink part was completely covered, they were told to cut the excess straws on the side of the masks.
After the girls have finished, the boys had their turn in making their face sculptures. The girls set aside their masks to allow the plaster to dry up. In the meantime, Kuya advised the housemates who were not that busy to help out the others in changing the batteries of the lapels. Some of the girls even helped out the boys in making their sculptures.
After a few minutes, the housemates were given the go signal by the guest artist to detach the face sculptures from the pink clay. They were all successful in lifting their sculptures, but they were some cracks and holes found particularly on the nose part. They were instructed to use spare clays to remedy the cracks and apply some final touches.
Each of the housemates was later called by Big Brother to present their work. Kuya judged each mask to see how the housemates faired in this particular task. Some masks turned out good, but there were those, particularly that of Bruce and Maricris, which needed major remedy. 

The housemates were supposed to make another paper mache activity, but since it was already late, the activity was postponed. The guest prosthetics makeup artist just advised the housemates on how to improve their works. The housemates all showed their gratitude and appreciation to their teacher and to Big Brother for the enjoyable art lesson.
Was Big Brother impressed with the works of the housemates? Will their masks share the same fate as that of the clay pots made in the previous week?
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