Earlier this afternoon, the housemates were shooting hoops in the garden when Big Brother suddenly called them. Mickey quickly called all the others so as not to keep him waiting, but he reminded all those who have not answered the call that they must first decide among themselves who the lucky (or unlucky) recipient was. Nel volunteered at first, but then thought of the rule and went with the majority, who selected Dionne. She then stepped up and answered the phone. But Big Brother was in good spirits, and decided to reward her with a 60-second shopping spree in the storage room! Dionne beamed when she heard of the P5,000 limit, and after thanking Big Brother, she happily told the others of the good news.

Meanwhile, Saicy was called into the confession room and was handed their task for today. The housemates were shown a VTR of a certain dance step, which they must memorize and perform later in the day. They found it hard to catch on though, and despite the fact that it had to be shown only once, the housemates were given a little leeway and were shown the video thrice. Mickey and Saicy were appointed as the leaders for this task, and after the boys and girls each tried their hand at dancing (the boys showed quite a clunky performance), they quickly got to practicing.
Will the housemates put together a performance worthy of Big Brother’s praise? And when will Dionne cash in on her reward?
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