It's Zeke and Mickey's turn to shine for the afternoon's task focused on the two balikbayans. The housemates were pleasantly surprised to hear Yeng Constantino's Hawak Kamay blast through the speakers around the house. But when the song was played on repeat, they all knew something was up. Soon Nel, Wendy, Saicy, Zeke and Gee-Ann were ordered by Big Brother to teach Mickey the song before the afternoon ends. Saicy's dancing instruction to the 'German' speaking dude was a huge feat so the housemates scrambled to be able to pass this one.
Turns out Zeke needed Tagalog lessons himself so Big Brother switched the solo into a duet. The other housemates struggled with the translation of words and they ended up doing an action song for the boys, communicating some of the lyrics through sign language. Mickey had his game face on and brilliantly learned the lyrics without rousing much suspicion from Nel and the girls.
Big Brother soon rang the doorbell, meaning their time to teach Zeke and Mickey were up. The two then trotted off to the confession room to show off to the big man of the house their singing prowess. Kuya gave their singing coaches a treat by showing the 'concert' in the living room TV. The four had a laugh, watching Zeke and Mickey struggle with the words. And what was more amusing was that Mickey was doing a better job than Zeke! Hmm...would this task giveaway Mickey and Big Brother's secret?
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